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 A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva)

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Deva H.V. White
Deva H.V. White

Female Posts : 258
Join date : 2012-03-13
Location : Hogwarts, Caribbean

A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva) Empty
PostSubject: A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva)   A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva) EmptySun Jun 24, 2012 1:20 am

Deva walked over the international quidditch pitch and looked around. She could sense that it wasn't too long since a person had been present here. Athena might have gotten there before herself, even with Deva living the closest. She shrugged and moved towards the forest. It was dark out. The sun had fallen in the west and there was no moon that night. At least there would be no werewolves around.

She sighed as she reached the trees and walked deeper in, sending a small sound, like an owl, as the signal the two had come up with in her home last time they had met up. She leaned against a tree and waited for Athena to show up.

Her guard was on high alert and she had her wand drawn. Her eyes stared into the darkness until she could see every tree within twenty feet. She turned to her left as she heard something moving and lifted her wand, ready to cast a curse if needed.
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Athena Gaunt
Athena Gaunt
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Head of Avis

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A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva)   A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva) EmptySun Jun 24, 2012 1:34 am

After having talked with Greg, Athena realized that it was time to meet up with Deva. She walked towards the outskrits of the pitch and walked deep into it until she heard the owl-signal. She walked towards the sound in a soft and silent manner, making sure not to crack any twigs or branches as that would tip Deva off and make her believe it wasn't Athena comming and most likely attack.

She could then see the shape of a woman sitting by a tree and gave a smile, waving slowly, another sign of theirs. She then walked to the opposite tree and sat down. She raised her wand and cast several protection spells around them. She then turned to Deva again with a much bigger smile.

"Hey there. How are we doing today?" she asked casually.
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Deva H.V. White
Deva H.V. White

Female Posts : 258
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Location : Hogwarts, Caribbean

A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva)   A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva) EmptySun Jun 24, 2012 1:42 am

Deva relaxed when she saw a shadow wave softly, though she still paid attention as Athena walked over to the opposite tree, just like planned. The woman also threw around the many protection spells. Deva looked up at the sky and the stars. "You sound like a shrink," she said, once again, something they had planned.

She then sighed deeply. "Beautiful night, right?" she asked, "It's a shame, really. I really love the rain."

The casual manner of which her tone went up and down changed from being light to dark was another plan of theirs. She then gave Athena a smile. "Guess we're done, now, huh?" she said wearily.

Deva was pretty exhausted by the many hours awake and down. She seriously needed some relaxation, but it wasn't very easy to find in these times. Everything was pretty much dragging her down, not to mention the fact that she still couldn't be around her friends like she used to. And she was seriously sick of having those thoughts.
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Athena Gaunt
Athena Gaunt
Head of Avis
Head of Avis

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A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva)   A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva) EmptySun Jun 24, 2012 2:08 am

Athena didn't smile when Deva said their planned lines. It was important to keep her mask. The amount of time they had spent on getting this right was too important than for her to mess up now. She'd be killed on the spot. And though Athena was a very strong witch with her genes, she was pretty darned sure that she wouldn't be able to defeat Deva in combat.

Athena faked a frown. "Done with what?" she asked curiously.

Then her face broke into a smile. "Now we're done," she said softly. She studied Deva's face, at least what she could see in the dark, and quickly came to the conclusion that the woman was seriously tried. Athena didn't blame her. She couldn't understand how Deva even managed to keep on her feet. Athena wouldn't have been able to.

"We're gonna kick him to oblivion, Deva, don't worry about that. Anyways, I figured out what we could do. The dementor is fixed, I've got it locked up in a place with a thousand man-eating dogs. And I'm not sure which ones I'm worried about; the dogs or the dementors. Seriously, those dogs..." Athena made a shivering expression.
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Deva H.V. White
Deva H.V. White

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Location : Hogwarts, Caribbean

A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva)   A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva) EmptySun Jun 24, 2012 2:27 am

When the last line of their preparations were done, Deva finally relaxed slightly. She let a smile creep into her face. "Well, we made it," she said jokingly. She smiled happily at Athena when her face broke into a smile as well.

She listened to Athena ramble on about the dementor, not at all surprised that she managed to get the dementor at her service. She was surprised when it came to the dogs though. She then sighed. "I hope those dogs were terrible to others. No one deserves a visit from a dementor without having done something really bad. But I guess man-eater should explain it all," Deva then added with a shrug.

She sighed. "I wish we were done," she said softly.

Then she perked up. "Oh, and I've been thinking. You're a parselmouth. Maybe you could get some snakes to bite him? Weaken him or something?" she asked softly. But she quickly continued. "I mean, if you feel like I'm using your powers, then I totally understand that you don't want to, but I think it would be in our advantage."
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Athena Gaunt
Athena Gaunt
Head of Avis
Head of Avis

Female Posts : 86
Join date : 2012-03-26
Location : France

A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva)   A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva) EmptyMon Jul 02, 2012 7:40 pm

Athena listened to Deva and nodded. "You have no idea. Those Coppermans... They seriously need to chill. I've never met more aggressive dogs, and I've met a bunch of wolves," Athena said, and winked at her British friend. "I can honestly say that those dogs deserve some cold. They killed a neighbor of mine. Since he was a muggle, the neighbor didn't really stand a chance. Honestly. Coppermans is what I imagine manticores to be like."

She then listened to what Deva was sayng. And she quickly shook her head. "I know you're not using my powers. Actually, I think you should use my powers. Snakes could be rather useful. Maybe I can find myself a Basilisk?" Athena asked thoughtfully.

"Though, I'd have to breed it myself, and that could take some time... So, I think not. Besides, if they're hatched from an egg under a frog, I think it's safe to say that it's not humongous at once," Athena then added, "But bringing some snakes into the game is not a bad thing. I could probably go to Asia and Africa to find someone there. Not to mention that me speaking parselmouth is not something the people will expect. Especially not him. I can make it look like a snake is about to bite you and he'll drop his guard in the slightest as he sees how far you are from poisonous death and then get a snake to crawl up behind him and bite him then. A krait should do the trick."

Athena fell a bit into the thought of making good use of her curse. She loved being able to talk to snakes. She did not love being a Gaunt. She was the only living person in the world that was so closely connected to Lord Voldemort.
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Deva H.V. White
Deva H.V. White

Female Posts : 258
Join date : 2012-03-13
Location : Hogwarts, Caribbean

A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva)   A trip in darkness (Athena and Deva) EmptyMon Jul 02, 2012 8:17 pm

Deva raised an eyebrow. "Copper-mans? Yeah, you seriously need to back off from them. I've never met such ugly creatures in my life. And that says a lot too. Wolves got nothing on copper-mans," Deva said with a wink. Of course it wasn't true. But wolves were wild and free. They were 'savage'. Copper-mans weren't supposed to be savage, they were supposed to be loyal. The problem was that they were too loyal to their owner and they felt the need to protect them.

Deva couldn't help but laugh when Athena suggested a Basilisk. That would be efficient, but honestly, that would take much too much work. Besides, the Basilisk might just meet her own eyes. That wouldn't be good. She sighed. "Way too dangerous, but I'd love the idea if I didn't want to kill him myself," Deva said shrilly.

Deva knew that Athena knew how important it was for Deva to kill this man. He had practically ruined her entire life after school. During Hogwarts it had been all on Sally Swandeth. Now she was gone and a new idiot had come.

Deva smiled. "I do like that idea. It would definitely shock him to oblivion, as long as you keep that snake in check. Because I will be going pretty fast when I get the chance," Deva said seriously, "And I'd hate it if I only got one second of peace in my life after twenty years of no peace before I die. That wouldn't be fun."
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