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 A Lonely Walk (open)

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Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
British - Muggleborn - Ravenclaw Third Year
British - Muggleborn - Ravenclaw Third Year

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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyTue May 22, 2012 5:16 am

Humphrey was extremely lonely, and he was walking in a place called the shadow forest. It matched the way he was feeling right now. Magic was so amazing, but he hadn't really made many friends yet. He was like the plants in this forest, with shadows hiding them, and keeping them lonely and unseen. That is what he felt like, and it wasn't a good feeling. As he walked around, he noticed that though it was depressing, this forest had a very unique quality about it.

He sat down on the ground, put his back against a tree, and took out his sketchbook. Then he pulled out his pencil, and quickly sketched the area. The forest was dark, and the odd shadows cast made it a very special place to paint. Humphrey let himself pour his emotions into the sketch. After his pencil stopped drawing, he examined what he had drawn. It was himself, standing in the middle of the shadow forest by himself, with a deep, ragged shadow hiding him partially. It was very moving, and depressing, but it was how he was feeling. And, after he looked at it, he realized he wasn't quite as depressed as before he had drawn it.
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Olivia Harrison
Olivia Harrison
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyTue May 22, 2012 9:11 am

Olivia felt like going out for a walk. She decided that she's going to go to the Shadow Forest and take pictures using the camera that her mother bought. It was a muggle camera and she wanted to try using it. She arrived at the forest and decided to take some photos. She took some photos of the trees being blown by the wind and photos of the beautiful sky.

She walk a little deeper into the forest and saw Humphrey. She decided to say hello. She did not really know Humphrey but she wanted to make friend with him as she doesn't have any friends. She walked towards Humphrey and said "Hello Humphrey, what brings you here?" while giving him a smile.
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Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
British - Muggleborn - Ravenclaw Third Year
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyTue May 22, 2012 2:52 pm

"Oh, hey Olivia. Just came out here to draw actually. Also, just to get out, walk, and think about Hogwarts. I'm a Muggleborn so this is really new for me, trying to soak it all in. It is just so different from Muggle life, in a good way. Still, it will take a little time to adjust. Yea, I like to draw and paint, it helps me to think and I used it to cope with things. Here is the sketch I just did." Humphrey said, handing his small sketchbook to her, and opening it to the proper page.

"You can look through it if you want. Maybe sometime I can show you my paintings too. Those I don't carry around with me though. They stay under my four-poster in my dorm. Rolled up and in a locked case, because they are valuable to me, even if they aren't to anybody else." he explained.

"It's great to see you, I've been kind of bummed out about not having many friends. I've just met two people so far, really. Unless you count the Professors." he said, making a joke. He smiled at her, Ollivia seemed really nice. Everybody said Slytherins were mean, but she didn't seem to be very mean at all.
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Olivia Harrison
Olivia Harrison
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyWed May 23, 2012 9:17 am

Olivia looked at the sketch that Humphrey did and was impressed. He was really good. She looked through his other sketches and she loved them. "Wow you're really good. I love your sketches they're amazing! I would love to see your paintings as well!" Olivia grinned. She's excited to see his paintings as she loves art.

Olivia laughed at Humphrey's joke as she thought it was funny and found it such a coincidence that he also have only met two people. "It's great to see you too. I haven't got many friends either actually and I've only met two people as well including you. I guess I'm quite shy around people I don't know." Olivia smiled back at Humphrey and she was happy that he was really friendly.

"So other than painting and sketching, what else do you like to do?" Olivia asked Humphrey.
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Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
British - Muggleborn - Ravenclaw Third Year
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyWed May 30, 2012 11:47 pm

Blushing a bit, he looked at the ground. "They aren't that good to be perfectly honest. I know that they need a lot of work before anybody would be willing to do an art show with them. That would be my dream job, a professional artist, maybe with some Auror training as well. Do both, if I could." Humphrey said, a little shy that she liked his work so much. It did make him smile though.

"Oh, that is awesome I found somebody else who is a bit socially awkward. People who are overly friendly, well they are fun, but can get annoying at times if you know what I mean. We should definitely hang out some more outside of class Olivia." he said, smiling at her. He was actually starting to fit in, and he was absolutely beaming at her.

"Well, I like to write music, and play acoustic guitar, as well as piano. I sing with it of course, but again, I'm not very good. Also, I really like learning, I'm kind of a nerd in that regard. Reading my books before I have to, and that type of thing. Always reading books for fun as well. Writing one of my own novels at the moment. It is the first book in a series I am working on right now." Humphrey explained to her.

"What do you like to do, Oliva? Besides be a cunning Slytherin, that is?" he said with a wink to let her know he was okay with her House choice. Just teasing her a little bit.
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Olivia Harrison
Olivia Harrison
British - Pureblood - Slytherin Second Year
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyThu May 31, 2012 6:04 am

Olivia smiled at Humphrey's ambition. "Well I think they're really good and I think you art will get better and better in the future. Wow that's great. I think you'll make a great artist and Auror." Olivia smiled at Humphrey.

Olivia felt happy. She chuckled "Yes, I know what you mean. They can be quite disturbing at times and yes we should definitely hang out more" Olivia smiled. She felt very happy that she made a friend. Humphrey is really nice and friendly.

Olivia was glad that she met an art lover just like her. She realize that they have a lot in common. "That's cool. I'd love to hear you sing sometime and I like learning as well!" Olivia smiled feeling excited. "Sometimes people call me a know it all because I like to answer questions that the teacher ask but it's only because I love to read and I get excited when the professor ask me something that I know" Olivia realized that she was talking quite fast so she blushed and said "sorry I tend to get excited and talk really fast sometimes. I guess that makes me a nerd as well I guess." Olivia grinned. She was interested in Humphrey's novel as she loves to read "Wow that's interesting. What is your novel about? If you don't mind me asking."

Olivia chuckled when Humphrey teases her. "Well, I love to read. I usually forget about the world when I read. I am really passionate about photography. I love the fact that I can tell a story through my photograph. I enjoy poetry and I'm an art lover I guess. My mother and I used to go to art exhibitions all the time before she passed away" Olivia paused and continued "I want to open my own galery someday but I have a long way to go. My photography skills aren't that good yet. I want to be a photographer and a healer. I love to help people and I think being a healer can help people recover and move on with their lives" Olivia smiled.
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Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyThu May 31, 2012 7:17 am

"Okay, you are awfully nice for a Slytherin. You sure you aren't a Hufflepuff, you are being awfully sweet about my art. I appreciate the compliments, any advice or things I can improve on? Or just something you would like me to draw?" Humphrey queried. Olivia looked like she understood what she was talking about from the sound of it. Definitely could tell she enjoyed the artwork, and it wasn't just a nice, polite lie to spare his feelings.

"Finally, somebody who understands me. You get what I mean, not just take what I say in a bad connotation. That is a rare thing, because I have a tendency to ramble. Just blurt out whatever I am on my mind, occasionally talk to myself as well. I'm sure half the students and Professors think I am certifiably insane." he shrugged. "Yes! Score, for the Humphrey, found a cool girl to be friends with. Interest in art, ten bonus points to coolness level." he said, smiling at Olivia.

"No way, you like studying, and learning about artistic subjects?!?! This is so awesome. Hmm, I do the same exact thing. People call me a know-it-all, and it doesn't help that they sorted me into Ravenclaw. They already get the know-it-all stereotype. I am a bit of everything to be honest, good mix of houses. Nerds are the best! High five." Humphrey said, holding his right hand up for her to smack.

"Okay, the science fiction type one is your standard time-travel fiction. Has a girl, action, uses his era's knowledge to his advantage. The fantasy type one is about an 18 year old wizard. But, more the Muggle type style, no wands or anything. So, basically wandless magic, with lots of artifacts, and that type of adventure, exploration. Going into a wizarding war between four different clans, which are just groups of wizards who have similar views. Basically political parties type thing. Revolting against the central government.I am liking the way Wizard's Crash Course is turning out better so far. That is the series title. Book One: Shredded, because he is ripped out of his life, and his emotions, as well as physically; he gets very damaged in this book. Then in the others he grows up, and matures into a powerful adult wizard." Humphrey said, smiling as he described the world he had invented himself.

"Even working on a map for it, going to make it so it has the topography, the dips and rises to get a better sense of it." Humphrey said, smiling. "Still a long way to go, but I have the plot planned out for book one, and the basic overall arc of the series planned. So, just a matter of keeping writing. It would be a great if you could be an editor type person for me, be the first to read it, and give me suggestions and stuff like that. Constructive criticism, is very much appreciated, and useful." he said. He knew how to take it with a grain of salt.

Humphrey's jaw dropped open. "That is an amazing goal, maybe we can help each other with our art stuff. I love photography as well." he said, smiling. "As for the books, I am always losing myself in them. They are like my best buds, so cathartic reading a sad scene, or a well-written love story, or a great action/adventure type moment with a great protagonist. Stories like that, they stick around, and touch generations. I love the classics too." he said, loving that she was into so many of the things he was.

"I'm sorry about your mom, my mom and dad are gone as well. I miss them every day, even though it has been four years since they've passed. If you ever want to talk, I am here. You would make a great Healer, you seem very smart. I know you are definitely nice, and have a caring personality." he said, telling her his impression of her.

"Honestly, you are like my dream girl, no joke. Nerdy, beautiful, funny, energetic, self-motivated, artsy, kind, a bit socially awkward, and a Hogwarts student I have classes with. Also, knows what it is like to lose somebody close to you, which is important because I've lost both my parents. Maybe once I get to know you better, well...we'll see how it works as friends first. There is one other girl, a Gryffindor who I want to get to know a little better too. But, you are definitely the kind of girl I would want to date. Hopefully, once we get to know each other, you might at least consider me. Even if you don't want to end up going out. Friends first is my policy though, so no pressure or anything. I'm a laid back guy when it comes to relationships. It takes time to build trust, and the foundation of a solid friendship is great for boyfriends and girlfriends to start from." he said, blushing madly as he told her how great he thought she was.

"I'm not just lying to get you either, you are that cool. Which is why you probably won't even consider me. You are way out of my league, Slytherin girl. Far too cool, and probably too talented, for the likes of me." Humphrey said, turning an even darker shade of red, and staring at his shoes.

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Olivia Harrison
Olivia Harrison
British - Pureblood - Slytherin Second Year
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyFri Jun 01, 2012 2:39 pm

Olivia laughed "Yes I am 100% Slytherin. My family have been Slytherins for generations. Maybe I had ancestors who were mean or evil in the past?" Olivia suggested. "I'm not quite sure hehe. I only speak the truth. Your artwork are amazing" Olivia gave a sweet smile. "Well, maybe you can polish more on your shading technique. I think it will make your sketches more alive maybe? I apologize. I'm not really good at describing things. well if it's not a bother I would like to see you draw a sunset. My brother and I used to went to the beach to see the sunset and it was the most beautiful view I have ever seen." Olivia smiled just thinking of the times when her brother would take her to the beach.

Olivia laughed "I don't think you're insane. I talk to myself as well but in my head so I tend to zone out at times. I'm sure people think I'm weird for just zoning out at times hehe." Olivia blushed when Humphrey said she's cool. "Yeah. I love learning new things. It feels like I'm on an adventure if that makes sense. I learn more and more as I go on. Art on the other hand feels like oxygen. When I feel down or depressed, I read some poems, take some photos or look at some paintings and then my mind feels at ease. I always feel calm when I'm around any form of art." Olivia said feeling very happy talking about art. "Well I don't really judge people based on their house. I prefer just getting to know a person than judging them based on their house. Yeah nerds are the best!" Olivia smacked Humphrey's right hand and had a big smile on her face.

Olivia was amazed with Humphrey's description of his novel and she finds it really interesting. "Wow, that is really interesting and cool. I feel like it's going to be amazing eventhough I haven't read it yet. You have everything sorted out and planned. I'm sure you'll do a great job writing it!" Olivia smiled. " and I would love to help you with your novel" Olivia said.

"Really? Thanks! I would love it if you helped! We can definitely help each other" Olivia said feeling excited. "Wow we have a lot in common. Books makes you forget about the world too. My brother would get annoyed when he talked to me but I didn't respond. I was too engrossed in reading that I didn't hear him talking to me" Olivia laughed "so he usually grab the book away from me when he wants to talk. I find it quite amusing as he would pout after that. He doesn't like being ignored" Olivia smiled with an amused look on her face. "The classics are amazing. I love the language and the art in the story. It's just authentic. I love the moderns one as well. I love how people can imagine so many things and they all make sense somehow and doesn't seem crazy at all and the romance. I'm a sucker for love/hate relationship. I can't quite understand why I enjoy it though."

Olivia was shocked to hear about Humphrey's parents. Losing her mother was really hard on her so losing both parents must be harder on him. "I'm sorry about your parents too. I imagine it must be harder on you to lose both parent. Thank you for your offer and the same goes for you. If you ever need to talk, you can always talk to me" Olivia smiled. "Thank you. You are too kind." Olivia blushed at Humphrey's compliment.

Olivia blushed even more. "I don't really have a type or a dream guy description but I am fond of you. You're nice, funny, nerdy, passionate, talented, artistic, handsome, and friendly. I would love to be friends and get to know more about you." Olivia smiled "I like you but I'm not sure if it's as a friend or something more. Maybe once I've known you better my feelings would develop but before that I want to know more about you" Olivia said shyly. "I think we should start as friends and see where it go from there" Olivia looked down at her shoes and blushed feeling quite embarassed with her cheeks blushing like crazy.

Olivia was flaterred and shocked "Why wouldn't I consider you? You are a great guy. I just know you but you leave a great impression and you're a really sweet guy. I am not out of your league at all. I actually think you're out of my league. You're really talented and you make me feel very comfortable around you and that's not easy because I'm usually really shy. You're really great and too good for me." Olivia said looking down her shoes again blushing even more if that was possible.

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Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
British - Muggleborn - Ravenclaw Third Year
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyFri Jun 01, 2012 4:24 pm

"Well, since I'm a Muggleborn, I didn't really have any expectations to live up to. Which is nice in a lot of ways, they were just happy to find out why I never fit in. They knew weird stuff always happened to me, but not why. Now, here at this place, I feel like I'm making a home for myself. Oh, I'm sure there are plenty of great people, as well as evil ones in a Pureblood Slytherin family. Most that I've read about have some of both." Humphrey told her, grinning.

"The whole Gryffindor versus Slytherin thing though, I don't know. I feel like Gryffindors and Slytherins actually compliment each other really well, personality-wise that is. ?Being a Ravenclaw, we provide a good mediator, arbitrary type group between the Houses. And, the Hufflepuffs are just nice to everybody so they make a good buffer zone. It is amazing how all the houses balance each other, and work together. Well, sometimes. There is a lot of rivalry as well." Humphrey said, smiling at her. She was so smart, and it was nice to talk to somebody who was so interesting.

"Amazing, hardly. I'll work on the shading more then, that is the most difficult part. I'm sure most artists will tell you that when their shading improved, that is what helped people understand and appreciate their art more. It gives a picture its depth, makes it more real. More, life-like, if you know what I mean. It is the difference between making a nice two-dimensional drawing, and making it jump off the page at you. Put you right in the middle of the painting." he explained to her. She had made an excellent point.

"Don't apologize, I completely got what you meant Olivia. I love sunsets, and sunrises, and absolutely love painting at beaches. Only done it once, but that painting is under lock and key, keep that one in mint condition. Haven't even looked at it since I put it away. Keep it safe, and maybe that can be one of my first ones to show in an art gallery. If they ever make an offer of an art gallery, that is..." he said, imagining his dream job. Professional artist, that would be...well, wonderful.

"Well, I kind of am, just a bit. I'm a bit like an mad scientist at times, even though I am not genius. My intelligence level is above the average though. Plus, I have good study habits, so that helps me appear smart." Humphrey said, making a thoughtful pose with his chin resting on his hand and staring off into the distance. "How is my thinking pose, Olivia. Any good?" he asked, smiling widely at her. He loved playing around with funny looks and things.

"Oh, I am exactly the same way. A day without music, for me, is what makes me depressed. I always have to sing at least one song, or listen to one. Normally try and do multiple, if I have the time to that is. The nice thing about forms of art, creativity, they help you cope with your emotions. You can express yourself, just let it all out. Say, this is me!" Humphrey yelled. "You all just have to like me, for me, or get over it." he said. "Makes enemies sometimes, but better than being cowardly about who you are."

"That is the best way to do. Prejudices, and stereotypes; well, generally it is lazy, or ignorant people who use them. We will rule the world someday. Muggles understand the power of the nerds more than wizard-kind though. Nerds are already pretty much running the Muggles. Social media, and all that." he said, smiling at her. After she slapped his hand, he gripped her hand for just a moment. Holding a girl's hand, that was something personal. He hoped she wouldn't read into it too much. Humphrey did like her, but friends and then maybe dating was a good option for him. Trust issues, emotionally damaged, he needed to be friends first to work on those hard things about him. Olivia was already making him feel better about himself.

"Well thanks, the key to art is not rushing it. Take it one step at a time, and plan, plan, plan! Especially when trying to write a book, if you aren't sure if there is enough detail, that means add more!" he said, getting excited and his voice got louder. "Awesome, well I will grab it for you so the next time we see each other I can give it to you." Humphrey said, smiling and blushing at the compliment. "It has a lot of work left to do on it. Just started, really." Humphrey told her.

"Yea, I'd love to help! You clearly know just a bit about the world of art." Humphrey said, trying to make her grin. He just absolutely loved seeing that beautiful smile of hers. "That happens to me on a regular basis. I remember one time, the people left in class were going to go look at posters to judge them. I was reading The Trumpet of the Swan by: C. S. Lewis, and I didn't even notice they had left. It was a day where some people were able to leave early, so not many people left in class. They came back, and I was like oh, you guys left?" he told her, laughing a bit about the story. It was a pretty funny one.

"Well yea, the only way to get our attention is to take away our books. Otherwise we would never ever be able to focus on the real world. Exactly, I love classics, and modern classics are some of my favourites as well. All the way from Homer, Aristotle, Dante, to Shakespeare, C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and more recently, Robert Jordan, George R. R. Martin, and Ted Dekker. You can learn so much wisdom from books, that is why I love them. Especially from philosophers, war biographies, and just people who have struggled with life in general.

"It was hard, and my aunt and uncle are more intellectual types. So, socially, they are even more awkward than me. They try, but, they don't understand me like my real parents used to. That is why I became such a bibliophile, they were awkward. So, instead of going outside, like I did a lot of with my real parents; I just, you know, stayed inside and became book-smart. My best friend at my school though, I loved hanging out with him and his family. His family was more friendly, and fun. Which is why I am not completely anti-social, just a bit awkward and quirky. I'm not being too kind, you are just awesome Olivia." Humphrey said, blushing with her.

"I didn't either, I mean yea I had a rough idea. Written a poem about some of the things I want her to be like. I'll let you read it sometime. But, once I started talking to you, I realized something. You are exactly the type of girl I want to consider dating. Everything I had previously thought is just thrown out the window, you are kind of, well...perfect to me. I know logically, that you aren't perfect, but you seem like it." Humphrey told her, while staring at a blade of grass. His cheeks felt like they were on fire, and he was so embarrassed.

"You are seriously open to thinking about it?" Humphrey asked her, confused. "But, no girl I've ever met has, you know, ever liked me. Well, like, liked me; do you know what I mean." he said, embarrassed about trying to explain it. "I've never like liked a girl before I came here. Now, there are so many awesome people, but you are definitely one of my favourites. Possibly even my very favourite person here. You are too good for me, not the other way around silly Olivia. Maybe since we both seem to like each other so much, we can help each other feel good about themselves. Since we both seem to think so many good thoughts about each other, ya know." Humphrey said, smiling shyly at Olivia. His blush was still there, but it was just a soft pink at the moment. He was beginning to feel comfortable with Olivia now.

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Olivia Harrison
Olivia Harrison
British - Pureblood - Slytherin Second Year
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyMon Jun 04, 2012 7:48 am

"Well I'm glad that you feel comfortable here"Olivia smiled. "I agree.I think that all of the houses here compliment each other. Yes there's rivalry but they're not that bad really." Olivia smiled at Humphrey.

"I know what you mean. I love seeing how paintings can make you feel all sorts of emotion. Sometimes there's sadness, happiness, sorrow and so much more. Shading is an important role to that emotions I think. I'd like to see your paintings sometime, if you're okay with it." Olivia really wanted to see Humphrey's paintings. She was excited to see them as she loves art. "If your paintings are as good as your sketches, then I'm sure that they'll be in several galleries someday" Olivia smiled.

Olivia laughed at Humphrey's funny look. She finds it cute. "I think it's pretty good" Olivia giggled.

"I get what you mean. I am me and it doesn't matter what people say as long as I'm true to myself. Art is the best way to express yourself"

"I sort of agree with you. I've seen and used many form of technologies in the muggle world and even though they might have flaws sometimes but they keep on trying to improve their products to make it better. I praise muggle's innovative traits. I find them quite refreshing." Olivia stated her opinion. Olivia was quite startled when Humphrey gripped her hand but she just shrugged it off. She thought it was just a normal gesture.

Olivia smiled seeing Humphrey so excited about his book. It was nice to see someone that is really passionate about something. "Okay. I can't wait to read it." Olivia smiled.

Olivia laughed at Humphrey's story as it was pretty funny. "I love C.S Lewis! I love Shakespeare too." Olivia smiled and listened to Humphrey talking about why he love books. She was happy to get to know a person who has so much in common with her.

"It must have been hard for you. I can't imagine being around people that are more awkward than I am. It's good that you have your best friend then or not you would have been quite lonely." Olivia gave a small smile.

"Thank you" Olivia blushed even more when Humphrey said she's awesome. The only people that said she's awesome was her family. Having someone that's not her family saying she's awesome makes her happy.

"Really? I would like to read the poem one day then. You're right I'm not perfect. I'm pretty average. I don't really think there's anything special about me but thank you for thinking that I'm perfect" Olivia smiled and saw him staring at the grass. She found his action really adorable. She just smiled to herself feeling happy.

"Yeah I'm serious and yes I know what you mean. I've never had a guy like, liked me before either" Olivia said shyly. "You are one of my favourites too. Yeah I guess so. I feel really comfortable talking to you." Olivia smiled and her smile got even wider when she saw Humphrey blush. She finds it really adorable.

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Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
British - Muggleborn - Ravenclaw Third Year
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyTue Jun 05, 2012 2:17 pm

"Of course I am. This place is just, so welcoming." he said, smiling back at this really wonderful girl. "It also helps to meet cool people to talk to. Some people don't get that though, I just hope it doesn't cause problems. I could see Gryffindors and Slytherins going after each other a bit. Nothing against your house by the way." Humphrey said, blushing a little bit. Sometimes he needed to just shut up, stop talking.

Then he felt his cheeks grow warm, and then burning hot as she complimented his paintings. "Umm, thanks. But, I'm really not that good." he admitted to her, and trying to brush away the compliment. Humphrey was not good at accepting compliments from people. "Maybe one day I'll submit a couple, but you can definitely see them Olivia. Perhaps meet one day in, well actually let's meet in the student common area." Humphrey said, he had been considering meeting back here. However, if something happened like rain out here, it might ruin his paintings.

Olivia laughed at his random look, and he couldn't help but laugh as well. He could listen to that laugh all day, and the way it lit up her entire face with joy. "Thanks. Your giggle, or laugh, or whatever girls call it is so awesome. Really, I love it!" he said with enthusiasm.

"See, that is what people need to be like more often. So many people just go along with the flow, instead of sticking to who they are. Art is my way of doing that, but for others it can be other things. I think it is because people are afraid, deep down, that if they show who they really are. That maybe, just maybe, others won't like them because of it. Which is kind of sad, because when we show who we really are I think it draws people to you. Makes life more fun." Humphrey said, a wide grin splitting his face. She understood this concept so well.

Laughing, he asked her, "You sort of agree with me? What does that mean? Do you or not?" he asked her in a teasing tone. "Sometimes you girls need to clear up your speech." Then, he shut up and listened to her talk. "Yea, I completely agree with you on that point Olivia. Muggles are smarter than us in some ways. Not all areas, but in some." he admitted. It was good to talk to somebody who wasn't completely prejudiced towards Muggles. Olivia clearly didn't get why he was holding her hand. It made him a bit sad, but then he cursed himself. There was no way a girl like her would fall for him.

He could tell she understood how much work and parts of himself into his book, "Actually, there I can help you. I always carry a my copy of it, that I am working on at the moment. So, if inspiration strikes, then I don't forget it before I get it down. Here you go Olivia. Give it back when you want to, I have another copy up in Ravenclaw tower." he said, smiling. If Humphrey knew anything about Olivia, and he suspected he did; she would appreciate reading his story. It was titled Wizard's Crash Course Book 1: Shredded

There it was again, that amazing laugh. For some reason, it made him blush just a little bit. "They are both brilliant authors. But, I have to admit, J. R. R. Tolkien I prefer to Shakespeare on some days. Some days I am in a poetry, and more emotional mood, whereas others I want action. If you know what I mean?" Humphrey asked her. Books were something they would always be able to talk about.

"See, my best friend was awesome. But, he was a muggle, he still didn't understand me. Not like people here at Hogwarts do. Not like you already do, we already know each other pretty well. I feel like I've known you longer than I actually have if that makes any sense to you at all. You aren't that awkward Olivia. You just need to be, drawn out a bit. Not everybody is a social butterfly, but if everybody was the same, the world would be a much duller place." Humphrey told her, grinning. "I don't think you are that awkward at all."

Olivia really appreciated the compliment, and Humphrey could tell. He just nodded silently at her. If he could do anything to help her, in that moment, he knew he would. No matter what it was, or how dangerous. It was a new feeling for him.

"Yes, really. Of course you can read the poem then." Then Olivia went and put herself down. Forcing himself to look up. "Olivia Harrison, don't you dare say that again. You are anything but average. To be perfectly honest, you are one of the most extraordinary people I know. No arguments, I will not budge on this issue." Humphrey said, in a very serious tone. He'd stared straight at her while he said the whole thing. "Now repeat after me, I'm special." Humphrey said, trying to get her to view herself as a better person.

As she told him what she thought about him, he blushed a brilliant red. His cheeks were constantly changing colors around her, from pale to different shades of red. Very interesting thing to happen. She was so shy, and adorable. He couldn't help but give her a light hug. "Thank you, so much. I, well, we need to hang out whenever we can. When I'm talking to you, it is like talking to somebody who really understands me. How the little parts of my personality fit together, and all that. It is a cool thing, really amazing." He could not believe that he, Humphrey Williams, had just said that to a girl. His cheeks began to burn even hotter than before.

Last edited by Humphrey Williams on Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:15 am; edited 3 times in total
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Olivia Harrison
Olivia Harrison
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyMon Jun 11, 2012 9:01 am

"It's okay. Most people think all Slytherins are mean or evil but I don't think it's like that."

She smiled when she saw Humphrey blush. He looks so cute. "You're good, trust me. You'll get even better and better in the future." Olivia smiled. "The student common area would be nice. It might rain here and I don't want your paintings to be ruined. I can't wait to see them" Olivia smiled and clap her hand once. She does that when she's excited.

Olivia like listening to Humphrey's laugh. It's quite addictive actually. She blushed when he said he loves her laugh. "Thanks. I like your laugh too" Olivia looked down and she could feel her cheeks heating.

"True. Why bother having friends if you have to be someone you're not. I think it's better to be yourself and have a few friends than being someone else and have many friends. Yeah what's the fun in life if you keep on lying to people and yourself?" Olivia smiled

Olivia laughed when he teased her "Well, I agree that muggles are smarter than us in some ways but I also know there are lots of wizards that are smart. They might not show it but the Auror's or healers or even wandmakers. Making wands isn't easy. I think muggles and wizards all smart in their own ways I guess." Olivia admitted. It was nice talking to someone with a good perspective. It makes her feel at ease.

"Really? Wow. I will definitely read it. I can't wait" Olivia smiled excitedly.

(I can't open the link)

"I'm more of a Shakespear fan I guess. I know what you mean. Sometimes we feel like reading something that would suit our mood. I also like modern books. My favourite modern authors are Lisa Jane Smith or L.J Smith for short, James Patterson, Cassandra Clare and Richelle Mead. Who are your favourite modern authors?" Olivia asked feeling curious who he liked.

She listened to what Humphrey said about his friend. "I guess there are things you can't talk to him about and I'm sure that must have been difficult. Yeah, I've never ment anyone that has a lot of things in common with me before" Olivia smiled. "Me too. I feel like I've know you for a long time. Thanks. I guess I'm just shy. I don't think you're awkward either." Olivia grinned. She likes Humphrey's smile. It just makes her happy.

Olivia smiled and blushed when humphrey said that she's extraordinary. She was sure that her face must have looked like a tomato right now. "You're special" Olivia teased Humphrey when he told her to say 'I'm special'.

As she saw him blushing she couldn't help blushing as well. He's just so cute. She was stunned when he hugged her and she blushed an even darker shade of red if that was even possible. "We should hang out often. I feel the same way. I feel really comfortable around you which doesn't usually happen" Olivia smiled. She saw him blushing again and for some reason she felt like pinching his cheeks but she decided against it as he might not like it.
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Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyMon Jun 11, 2012 5:10 pm

Humphrey nodded his head in agreement. "I don't think it is either. Often times because of things that have happened in the past, an unfair prejudice can occur. It is a lot harder to get rid of a prejudice once it has been in place for this long though. But hey, even if I don't end up liking the other Slytherins, you are pretty great." he said, smiling at her.

Olivia was smiling at him, and he knew he was blushing. She had complete confidence in his artistic ability, which was pretty cool, but it still made him blush even redder when she said he'd just get better and better. "Um-umm, yea, totally will. I'm sure you will get way more famous someday than I ever will. Maybe if I'm lucky, I can support myself with art. Whatever you decide to do though, you are going to kick some serious butt at. Whether it is photography, or maybe a book editor since you like to read so much. The healer route is a good idea as well, from what I've seen in class you have the smarts for it. Just got a feeling that you'll do great things." Humphrey told her, winking at her.

Looking up at the sky, he noticed that there were some gray clouds moving in. "I think you have a point there about the rain." Grabbing his book, his head swiveled around to make sure there wasn't anything he was leaving behind. There was his sketchbook, how could he have forgotten about that. Putting it in his pocket, he stood up. "Nor do I, come on let's go." he said, pulling her after him. Hopefully she didn't mind him grabbing her hand to get her to come with him. Maybe it was too odd of a thing to do. I mean, holding hands meant different things to different people. He knew he liked her, but he also knew some people just thought of it as a friendship thing. Blushing at the thought of liking Olivia, which he did, he tried to refocus. "We can walk and talk on our way inside."

"You do, why thank you." Humphrey told her, his cheeks going just a soft pink this time. "Hey, keep your chin up, Miss Harrison, don't hide those rosy cheeks of yours. Personally, I like it when you blush. Looks pretty on you." he admitted, this time blushing a scarlet red.

"Precisely my point, glad you understand. I'd rather have one or two close friends, than a lot of sort of friends any day. Well, it could be fun if you made up a ridiculous story for yourself and tried to convince people you were serious." Humphrey joked, laughing at the idea of it. "In all seriousness though, it isn't any fun to hide the real you. Even if people bully you because of it, at least you are being true to you."

"Oh that is definitely true. When I got my wand I was so confused at how somebody could make a stick of wood, and then that stick of wood being able to think for itself. Choosing me, and all that, really cool. Lots of other wizard jobs sound really difficult as well. Both are definitely smart in their own ways. I think we have more similarities to each other than we think as well." he replied, agreeing completely. Then a thought struck him, it would be difficult to accomplish. But, it could make for a brighter future. "Maybe, someday, wizards and muggles could get along together without the wizards having to hide. Not to mention all the other magical creatures..." Humphrey said, thinking of what that world would be like. It made him smile slightly, and his eyes were lit up at the possibilities it would create for the world. Technology, among other things, would improve so much for both of them, he was sure.

"Don't sound so surprised, of course you can read it. Still has a long ways to go, mind you. Not by any means complete, just started really." Olivia was excited to read it, he could tell, and it made a huge grin split his face. "You'll be the first person to read it, others will have to wait until I've completed the book. I don't know, for some reason I am giving you a special privilege. Wonder why that is?" Humphrey asked himself, shrugging. "I do talk to myself on occasion if you were wondering." he said, laughing at how odd he was. "Probably one of the reasons people thought I was weird at my old school."

"Shakespeare is fantastic, just not always in a Shakespearean mood. Some of my other older favorites are Dickens, Twain, Poe, Tolstoy, and lots of other ones. As for modern, Christopher Paolini, J. K. Rowling, I agree with you on Cassandra Clare and James Patterson, haven't read the other two. Umm, who else, Robert Jordan, who just passed away roughly five years ago. C. S. Lewis is almost modern. Ellen Hopkins, Suzanna Collins, Scott Westerfield, Eoin Colfer, Dan Millman, and many others. Don't want to tell you all of them right now, need to make a list or something of my favorite books and authors. Then give that to you." Humphrey said, grinning. One of the things he liked about Olivia, was that she was a curious person like he was.

"Yea, I still miss him a bit. Now I've got you to hang out with though, and a couple other friends, maybe I will start to miss him less."
Smiling at Olivia, he decided something. No matter what happened, he wouldn't let them become enemies, or just not talk to each other. If they stopped being friends, he would have to just call himself a complete idiot. Because that would have to be what he was. "We have things in common?" he asked, sounding shocked. "Hmm, I never realized." Then a laugh burst out from behind his forced expression. "Yea we do, because we are cool like that. You, shy? Surely not, surely not, you just don't talk constantly like a lot of girls. For that I'm grateful to be honest. Hmm, so I'm not awkward, that's a new one." Humphrey said, grinning and pondering the idea. "I think I still am, maybe what it is, is that since we're both awkward, we don't seem as awkward to each other. If that makes any sense at all, which it doesn't." he admitted, shrugging.

When Olivia said he was special, his cheeks felt as if they were trying to catch on fire. He imagined them catching on fire, and the flames spreading to his hair. That would be quite a sight, thank goodness for him blushing, as far as he knew, had not started an actual fire. At least he wasn't alone though, she was blushing right along with him, which made it a bit more fun. Gulping, he tried to speak, "B-b-but, I-I'm not. A-a-a-am I-I?" Humphrey asked. Finally calming down, he asked her in a more understandable way, "You really think that I'm special?"

They were both blushing, and he was sure if anybody could see them they would think one of two things. Either they had both gotten sunburn, which was unlikely considering it looked like it was about to rain. Or, that Olivia and himself were two kids that really liked each other. In a, possibly, more than friends way. The thought knocked his brain for a loop. "Totally, completely agree with you." He'd heard what she said, it just took him a minute to come up with a response. "We definitely are comfortable with each other. Which I am guessing is new for both of us, seeing that we are both bookworms who study before class on occasion." Humphrey said, winking at her. "If I seem a little distracted at the moment, it is because I just had the most ridiculous thought. It just keeps screaming in my brain, kind of hard to think with it going on." The thought his brain was screaming at him was this, Tell her you like her you idiot! Olivia likes you baaack. Olivia and Humphrey sittin' in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage. His cheeks literally could not go any redder than they were now, at least he was pretty sure of that.
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Olivia Harrison
Olivia Harrison
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyTue Jun 12, 2012 7:50 am

"True. I guess the past will never just remain in the past." Olivia smiled and said "Thank you."

Olivia liked seeing Humphrey blushing. She smiled "I don't think I'll be that famous." she blushed. "Thanks. I'm sure you'll do great things too" She smiled at Humphrey.

Olivia looked at the sky and put her camera in the bag. "Yeah we should go," she blushed when he grabbed her hand. "yeah let's do that".

"You're welcome" she smiled. Olivia blushed even more when Humphrey said he liked it when she blushes. She cupped her cheeks hoping that the blush would go away. "T-thanks. You look cute when you blush," Olivia couldn't believe she said that out loud to a guy! Her face blushed even more.

"True, being true to yourself is the best way to live life." Olivia nod in agreement.

She heard what Humphrey said and thought that it might work. "Maybe someday but I don't think all muggles can accept living together with wizards and I'm sure some wizards can't accept muggles. If it goes well, then we can all live together in peace and helping each other but if it goes bad, there might be disaster happening for both muggles and wizards. Though I think it would be great not having to hide" Olivia smiled. "So many things could improve. Muggles and wizards can create things beyond our wildest imagination." Olivia thought feeling excited.

When Humphrey said that she'll be the first person to read his book she felt honoured. "Then, I am honoured to be the first person to read your book" Olivia smiled. "and don't worry. I talk to myself too, but I talk in my mind." Olivia grinned.

"I love Suzanne Collins as well. Okay I'll see your list and I'll tell you which book in your list that I've read" Olivia said smiling. She loves talking about books. She could talk about them all day.

"Yeah we do. We're both cool nerds," Olivia laughed being silly "we love to read and we have similar favourite author. We love art and we have the same opinions about a few things" Olivia stated and smiled. They do have a lot in common.

"I guess I don't really make friends easily. It doesn't make sense but I guess we just get along well." Olivia grinned.

Olivia didn't catch what Humphrey was saying. She think it's adorable that he's nervous. "I don't think you're special, I know you are. Everyone is special in their own way" Olivia smiled

Olivia like Humphrey! Shut up head! You shut up! You're really annoying! I'm your head so if I'm annoying then you're annoying as well! I like him a lot, happy head? Yeah I'm happy! Olivia was deep in coversing with her head that she zoned out a bit. "Sorry I zoned out," she smiled embarassed. "What's your thoughts?" she asked feeling curios.
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Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyWed Jun 13, 2012 5:48 am

"It never seems to." Humphrey said, smiling at her. Then he chuckled a bit. "You don't have to thank me every time I say something nice to you Olivia. If you did that, then you'd be thanking me every other minute of our conversation. Because I am going to keep on complimenting you, so start getting accustomed to it now." he told her, sticking his tongue out. He loved being silly, especially with Olivia.

"Okay, just mildly famous, got it." he told her, still not budging on her being famous. Olivia was blushing again, they both were, and that made it so much better. "If you say so, I'm sure you know better than I do Olivia." Smiling at her, he let her know that he trusted her opinion. If she thought he could do it, well maybe he could.

"No fair, don't cover up the blush. It is too beautiful to cover up Olivia, don't hide it." Humphrey said in a fake whiny tone. Now, it was his turn to blush deeply. "Umm, you really think so? Well that's quite something, isn't it?" he asked her in a dazed, dreamy tone of voice. "Was it, was it possible that Olivia Harrison liked him?" He put the thought out of his head. That was a preposterous idea, surely.

Olivia agreed with him, and how could she not? I mean, on this point, she pretty much had to agree with him. It was a pretty universal truth, at least he thought so. "Glad you agree. I would be worried if you didn't." he said, letting the left corner of his mouth pull up into a slanted smile.

"Oh, it would definitely be dangerous, and it would have to be done slowly, carefully, and with everybody pulling together for even a chance of success. There will be those who never want to live peaceably, but that is true whether or not we try and reveal ourselves to muggles. For now, it is just a dream, maybe sometime in the future, the world will be ready for it to become a reality. It would definitely be an amazing, and beneficial thing to accomplish." Humphrey stated, his eyes alight with the wonder of the idea. His imagination could go on forever with that thought if he let it, but Humphrey managed to reign it in somehow and refocus on the here and now.

"Don't call it a book yet, I only have a prologue and two chapters finished so far. It is the beginning of a book at the moment. So happy you feel honoured to read it." he admitted, a blush forming on his cheeks. "Oh, I see. So you just hide the fact that you are crazy then?" Humphrey tacked on, hopefully it would make her laugh. "Just kidding, of course. I know you aren't crazy."

"Awesome, glad you like her. My list is in my dorm, tell you what though. When I go and grab my paintings, I will grab my book list as well, and I can show you both in the Room of Requirement. Sound like a plan?" Hopefully, she would agree to it; personally, Humphrey liked this plan a lot. It involved spending more time with a beautiful, cool, smart, funny girl who he liked. In a more than friends way to boot.

Humphrey laughed along with Olivia, "Of course we are, cool nerds is the best thing to be. Or geeks, if you prefer to use that term instead. We do like a lot of the same things, but there are also some nice differences. We aren't too similar, I mean, you like photography, and I like painting. Kind of close thing; but different in a good way, if you get what I mean. Allows us to talk about something and understand it, makes us think a bit more too." Humphrey admitted, he liked the fact that Olivia made him think. It was cool, some people, they just weren't so interesting to talk to. Actually, nobody was as interesting to talk to as Olivia, at least in his opinion.

"I normally don't either, huh. Well, definitely glad I met you, we don't really need to understand why we get along. Just as long as we do is the important thing." he said, winking at her. He loved winking, it was just such a fun thing to do. There were a lot of random, quirky things that Humphrey Williams loved to do.

"Aww, thanks Olivia. That is, well the nicest thing anybody's ever said to me. You know I'm special, that is just...amazing. Really, it means a lot to me that you think that." Humphrey told her, blushing the darkest shade of red that was possible for him. Very, very dark red, he was sure that is what his cheeks were.

"You just zoned out, I just did too actually. Just kind of, rambling I suppose would be a good word for it." Humphrey said, laughing a bit. "There is this thought that is screaming in my head, trying to get out. I'm not sure I should let it out. But, you did ask, so here goes."

Taking a deep breath, Humphrey Williams prepared himself to tell Olivia that he had a crush on her, liked her, whatever you wanted to call it. "Umm, well, I...I...kindofhaveacrushonyou." he blurted it out in a rush. Hopefully, she hadn't heard that, it was too embarrassing.

The blush was becoming a permanent part of his face around her. There it was again, the burning sensation in his cheeks. This time, slower, in a much clearer way, he told her how he felt. "Olivia, I kind of have a crush on you. Like you, in a, well a more than friends way. It's stupid, isn't it?" Humphrey asked, nervous about being turned down. "There's no way you could like me, is there?" he asked. He couldn't let that last hopeful question from blurting out of his mouth.

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Olivia Harrison
Olivia Harrison
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyWed Jun 20, 2012 10:54 am

Olivia smiled "alright then I won't say thank you anymore." Olivia giggled at Humphrey's sillyness.

"I know you'll make it big don't worry" Olivia smiled sweetly. She knows that Humphrey is very talented.

She blushed even more "but I'm embarassed." Olivia looked down again. She never blushes this much before. "No, I know so" Olivia smiled. He does look cute when he blushes.

"Of course I agree." Olivia smiled back

"Yeah maybe in the future we can all live together in peace." Olivia was imagining how it would be not having to hide who she is. It will be amazing. She hope that it will happen someday and she wished that she would be there if that really will happen in the future.

Olivia laughed "Yeah I'm a bit crazy but don't tell anyone" Olivia placed her finger on her lips "shhh" Olivia joked.

"That sounds like a great plan" Olivia clapped her hands feeling excited to see both Humphrey's list and paintings. "I can't wait" Olivia grinned.

"Me too. I like the fact that we don't have everything in common because we might not know what to talk about anymore. I know what you mean. We can talk about a wide range of things."

"You're welcome. You're really adorable when you blush" Olivia blushed again! She couldn't believe that she said that out loud.

Olivia couldn't make out what Humphrey said as it was so fast. Then when Humphrey told her he likes her, she blushed like crazy and looked down feeling shy all of the sudden. Still looking down, she said "It's not stupid. I kind of like you too." Olivia said blushing even more. She looked at Humphrey and smiled
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Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyWed Jun 20, 2012 9:58 pm

"Well you can decide if you want to thank me or not, just saying you don't have to. I mean, if you really feel like I deserve a thank you I'm not just going to say I refuse your thanks or anything." he said, laughing just a bit. Honestly, this girl amused him a lot of the time.

"Glad somebody believes in my talent. Now if you can just convince everybody else for me that would be great." Humphrey told her, teasing her. "Naw, just kidding, I'll put in some of the work too."

"Okay then, whatever you say. Maybe someday you won't be so embarrassed around me. We'll see if I can break you out of your shell a little bit." Humphrey replied, winking at her. "If you know it then that's good enough for me. Girls are generally smarter than guys, so I will take your word on it."

A world where there was peace and harmony instead of wawr would be a wonderful thing, a dream come true. "That is what I'm hoping for. I figure if you are going to have a dream, make it a big one. Besides, I always shoot for the stars; because, well I don't know why, it is just the way I've always been." For him, it was odd to not have a big goal to work towards. Some people went through life just laid back; however, while he did enjoy relaxing, he felt like goals kept him focused. He did not like having nothing to do, and world peace would be a full time job for everybody.

Olivia laughed, and he couldn't help but laugh with her. The sound of children enjoying themselves and chuckling echoed through the forest. "I won't, don't worry Olivia. Your secret is safe with me." he said. She really was the funniest girl person he had ever met.

"It does?" Humphrey asked, sounding surprised. To be honest, he hadn't really expected her to be this enthusiastic about it. "I mean, of course it does. Why wouldn't my plan be brilliant?" he asked her teasingly. Then he just burst out laughing. "I guess since you can't wait, I better not keep you waiting. Let's speed up a bit." He sped up his pace a bit, not a lot, just enough to get them there a little faster.

"True, an excellent point. We definitely haven't even come close to running out of things to talk about as of yet. Plus, if I am ever at a loss I can just talk about how beautiful you are. It makes you blush, which I definitely enjoy." Humphrey told her, grinning wickedly. "No, I wouldn't do that, well too much at least. Maybe just sometimes."

"Hey, if you are going to bring up adorable blushing I think this conversation is shifting to you. If anybody here is adorable when they blush, it's you. Don't deny it, you know it's true." he replied, sticking his tongue out at her like a five year old. Of course he felt ridiculous doing it, but he didn't mind being ridiculous around Olivia. Because, she was a ridiculous person as well, and he suspected she would just stick out her tongue at him in return.

Again, Olivia started to blush and stared at the ground. So, I guess that is just her way of dealing with embarrassment, examining the grass. Somehow, all he could think was how cute it was, and how much he loved her reaction. "What was that? kind of sounded as if you said you like me too. Did I hear that right?" Humphrey asked, looking at her hopefully. He thought she'd said she liked him, so when she smiled he just beamed back at her.

"I mean, if you do, then I mean; would, would you want to be my girlfriend Olivia? I've never really had one before, wouldn't really know what to do. But, I'd be willing to give it a shot if you want me as your boyfriend." This time he was the one staring at the grass and blushing.
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Olivia Harrison
Olivia Harrison
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyThu Jun 21, 2012 9:31 am

She laughed with Humphrey. He loves to tease her and she's totally okay with it.

"I'm sure people will acknowledge your talent as well" Olivia stated

"We'll see. I'm pretty shy you know so it might take a lot of work" Olivia said smiling. "It's good that you know then. Maybe you should agree more with me" Olivia joked when Humphrey said girls are generally smarter than guys.

"True. Let's hope someday we will all live in peace."

Olivia laughed "good because if you tell anyone I might have to kill you" Olivia joked again.

She laughed "yeah, we should speed up a bit so I can finally see your paintings" Olivia smiled

"Stop teasing me. One of these days I'm sure my face is going to turn into a tomato from all the blushing" Olivia said covering her cheeks. "You're cute too. Then maybe I'll talk about how adorable you are" olivia said.

"It's not true and you should look in the mirror and see yourself blushing. You're so adorable I feel like pinching your cheeks like a teddy bear" Olivia laughed at Humphrey's childish behaviour and stuck her tongue at him too.

Olivia couldn't say anything because she was embarassed so when Humphrey asked her that did he hear right when she said she likes him she just nodded.

She was shocked when he asked her to be his girlfriend. She was scared and happy at the same time. She never had a boyfriend so she was scared but she like Humphrey very much and she's happy that he likes her too. She looked up at Humphrey and said "Um y-y-yes. I-I would love to be your girlfriend." Olivia said and looked down again. "I've never had a boyfriend either but we could give it a shot."
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Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyThu Jun 21, 2012 1:04 pm

Smiling at her while she laughed, he told her, "Well maybe they will someday. But until then, I'm just going to work on enjoying myself with it. Hopefully I always will, I think so." Art was something that had always been there for him, almost like a friend. He hadn't had many of those throughout his life.

"So we will, and I knew it would take a lot of work Olivia. I don't mind it though, you can keep blushing all you like." Humphrey told her, and then was shocked by what she said. "Well, aren't we just the queen of being right. You know, now I might just disagree with you to be difficult." he replied, and then winked at her so she would know he was just kidding.

Humphrey just nodded his head in agreement. Then laughed when Olivia said she would kill him. "Oh really now, you would kill me?" Humphrey asked. "I may have to be more careful around you now..." he said, trailing off.

He smiled back at her, "They aren't that good really. Just give me your opinion on them, even if you don't like them. Let me know the things you don't like and why, or if you like them why you like them."

"Alright, if you insist Olivia." He burst out laughing. "Now that would be funny." Now it was his turn to blush. "Umm, I mean, if you want to you can. This one I will have to take your girl wisdom on though, because I don't think I'm very cute."

When she said she might have to pinch his cheeks he turned a tomato red. "It would be a different experience. That hasn't happened to me since I was about four years old I think."

Clearly, Olivia was taken off guard by the question. "No way, you actually ant to be my girlfriend?" Humphrey asked, smiling and bouncing on the balls of his feet. "I can't believe it, this is like, the best day in the history of the world. I'm dating Olivia Harrison, wow." he said, and then stared into her eyes. "You know, now that I'm dating the most amazing girl in the world, I don't think there could be anything I can't do. Because well, now I've got you." Then he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. "I believe that we are late for an art show." Grabbing her hand, he pulled Olivia, his girlfriend, after him.

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Olivia Harrison
Olivia Harrison
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyFri Jun 22, 2012 6:34 am

Olivia laughed "Don't worry. I won't kill you" Olivia said

"Okay. I will be honest when I see them. I'm pretty honest when it comes to art. I can help you improve your art skills" Olivia stated

"Yeah me looking like a tomato will be funny. It doesn't matter what you think because I think you're cute and what I think matter" Olivia stuck her tongue at Humphrey being childish.

Olivia laughed "It's okay. I won't pinch your cheeks if you don't like it." Olivia said

"Yes, I want to be your girlfriend." Olivia blushed when he said she's the most amazing girl in the world. She blushed even more when he kissed her cheeks. His lips were warm. "I believe we are. Let's go" He grabbed her hand and she followed him.
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Humphrey Williams
Humphrey Williams
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptyFri Jun 22, 2012 4:19 pm

"Good, you had me worried there for a second." he told her jokingly. "You would be all sad though if I was dead, right? I mean, you would miss out on awesome conversations like this." Humphrey said with a wink.

Olivia told him she would help improve his skills, which was good. Some people didn't know how to give good criticism. "Excellent, that will be helpful. You know, not everybody can give the honest opinion if it is not the most encouraging, some people would make horribile critics. Hopefully my art isn't too terrible for you, wouldn't want to put you through an ordeal."

"I agree with you, what you think does matter. A lot more than what I think at the very least." Humphrey told her "Besides, the girl is always right when it is a girl and a guy. That is like, the rules of life. No matter what it is, the girl is always right."

"No, I don't mind Olivia. If somebody else pinched them I would, but if you did that is okay." he admitted, staring at the ground and blushing again.

Humphrey's grin widened, "I can't believe I actually have you as a girlfriend. Are you sure I'm not dreaming this?" Humphrey asked. Her hand felt soft and comfortable in his own, it fit in his pretty well.
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Olivia Harrison
Olivia Harrison
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A Lonely Walk (open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Lonely Walk (open)   A Lonely Walk (open) EmptySat Jun 23, 2012 11:42 pm

Olivia laughed "Yes, I would be sad if you're dead. I won't be able to see that cute blush of yours" She winked backed at Humphrey

"I'm sure it won't be as bad as you said" she smiled "I will be as honest as I can but I won't be harsh" Olivia stated

"True. The girl is always right" Olivia smiled

"Okay then beware you cheeks will get pinched someday" Olivia tried to use an evil voice but failed miserably. She just laughed it off.

"Well, if you were dreaming then would I be able to do this?" Olivia kissed his cheeks and when she pulled away she blushed.

(I think you can start the new thread in the room of requirement now Smile )
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