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 Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)

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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 6:49 pm

Tessa had just walked into her new office. If she asked herself when she was in her first year if she would be here. She would have said no, but she took this job for Lily. Walking over to the desk she was going to sit down. She was still upset that Damien was marrying Anne. And there was nothing that she could do about it. But Feli was helping her get over Damien.

She then got up and started to pace around. Anne had told her not to worry. But she couldn't help it, it was Lily. And she was everything that Tessa had left. Tessa still hated Anne for what she did to her. But for Lily she would pretend that she liked her. If Damien was going to marrying her, she didn't want Lily to think that Anne was an evil step mother. She didn't want Lily growing up to hate people. Just because her mother did.
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Parker Emery
Parker Emery
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 7:28 pm

Parker was feeling absolutely exhausted and defeated. He had screwed up royally. The headmistress was going to have it in for him, if not fire him for putting people in danger. He acted like such a stupid kid. Parker rubbed his throat as he made his way down the corridor, it was still sore from him and Anne practically having a screaming match. He had decided not to heal it because he didn't want to keep yelling. There was no excuse. But he did heal up the swelling on his neck and chest from the stinging hex Anne threw at him. He really deserved it. While the swelling was down, there was still a bright red mark that he'd not bothered to get a cream for yet that stuck up over the collar of his shirt.

Anne had demanded he tell Tessa of the terrible thing he did, and that's what he was going to do. She was apparently working here too, and Anne told him where to find her office. He took in a nervous breath as he approached the door. He would be lucky if he survived the day. Not to mention if Pyx found out. He was done for. He ran his hand through his hair before he lightly knocked his knuckles in the door of her office.
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 7:44 pm

Tessa was in her own little world. Thinking about all of her problems, mostly Lily and her father. She took this job, not because she had to. Damien had given her money over the years. But this was the first time she was back in the wizarding world. She also came back to let Lily grow up in it. And she was still worried about Hugo and Kat. She wasn’t' going to take any chances this time. This was her daughter that she was talking about. That she needed to protect, just so she wouldn't go through what she did.

She then walked back over to her desk. Tessa knew that she would wear a hole in the floor. She then heard someone knocking on her door. “ Come in.”
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Parker Emery
Parker Emery
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 7:56 pm

Parker could feel his heart speed up as he stood there at the door. As he heard her call come in, he just about turned around and walked away to write a letter to her instead. But that would go over far worse, he though. He was a dead man. He slowly brought his hand up to the handle of the door, and turned it. As he opened the door a crack he peeked in, his face pale with worry. He was her and she'd not changed a bit. He remembered she was blind and thought to make who he was known right away. He spoke meekly as he stepped in "Uhm, I'm sorry to bother you. Er- It's me, Parker. Parker Emery...from school..."

Him having not really known her through school made it a bit easier to have to reintroduce himself. Though the prospect of being hexed at any moment made it so much harder. He saw that she looked distressed. "This isn't a bad time, is it?"
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 8:07 pm

Tessa looked up from her desk. There was circles underneath her eyes where she hadn't been getting enough sleep. Her door was cracked and seen someone was looking in. She could tell that he was worried about something. And she was tired to be dealing with him right now. But she didn’t' mind that he stopped in. He was just probably welcoming her to Hogwarts. “ Oh hello Parker, please come in.”

She really didn't remember him all that well. So she was glad that he reintroduced himself. Because over the years she had forgot a lot of people that she knew. “ Every day is a bad time for me, but just stay and it could get better.”
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Parker Emery
Parker Emery
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 8:18 pm

He walked in, closing the door behind him. He sighed as he turned to her, seeing just how tired and upset she seemed already. His frown set, wondering what it was and hating himself for making her and everything else worse. "Uhm, can we sit down?" It may have been an odd thing to request. But perhaps not. He just didn't want anything to happen when he told her. At least hopefully not a physical attack.

He inwardly cringed, and closed his eyes a brief moment, looking pained as she suggested it could make her feel better. "I..." just get it out. As much as he wanted to try and sit down and have a chat first, he knew it would only make her more angry that he didn't tell her first thing. "I don't think so, Tessa. You see....something's happened. And I was told to...inform you." He struggled to make his words form.
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 8:23 pm

Tessa was already sitting down behind her desk. “ You can sit down in a chair if you want.” All she wanted was some peace. But that wasn't going to happen for a while. She knew that her day of happiness was around the corner. That is what she was telling herself, that Damien wasn't the only guy who could make her smile. But she then started to get depressed when she would think that.

She then was watching Parker. Studying his body language, to understand what was going on. Tessa then started to blink. “ What do you mean something happened and you need to inform me?” She was trying her best to stay calm.
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Parker Emery
Parker Emery
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 8:35 pm

He breathed out as he took the seat across from her desk. He shifted in the chair and gripped the arms of the chair.

After he said something had happened, he could immediately see her distress. "Please, just...just listen to me talk. Don't interrupt. Just let me talk, okay?" He cleared his throat a bit and his eyes drew down. "I'm sure you remember those German's...that hurt Anne, that hurt you too." He took a breath. "Well, a girl that was involved with...Hugo contacted Anne, Damien, and myself. Threatening Anne and the people she loved."

He couldn't bring himself to look at Tessa now. He wished he could just take everything back. "I was foolish and fell into whatever trap she was trying to pull. She now knows about Anne's son...and..." he groaned a little. "and and your daughter are in danger too-"
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 8:42 pm

Tessa knew that she had to be calm. She had to hear what he was going to tell her. And she couldn’t' do that if she was already getting angry. When he asked if she remembered those Germans, she remembered them liked it was yesterday. Anne told her that she wouldn’t' have to worry about them again.

Her eyes were wide. It took a couple of seconds to register what he had just said. There was nothing that was stopping her from blowing her lid. “ YOU DID WHAT!” Tessa was beyond livid. “ You didn't just put my life in jeopardy. But you have put mine and Damien daughter in danger. Are you really that stupid, the Parker I knew in school wouldn't have done this.”
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Parker Emery
Parker Emery
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 9:01 pm

He lowered his head as she yelled, and he had to bite his tongue not to yell back if his voice would even allow it. His voice sounded worn, but he had to try to keep calm, he needed to. "Tessa, we're trying to fix it now. Anne's told the headmistress and she's making sure the castle stays secure. She'll track her and get her. If you just stay here, you'll be fine!"

He accept her insult that he was stupid. He knew that with everything he had he was stupid and made the worst mistake ever. But he looked very bothered when she that the Parker she knew wouldn't have done something like that. His sore throat made his voice crack as he rose his voice slightly as he tried to defend himself. "It's not like I did it on purpose! And you didn't know me!" He had changed anyways. But he knew there was no excuse for his actions. No matter what. No matter how much he changed that should never have happened. He should have never been so stupid and proud to do what he did. And now that nightmare from school was back. That danger around the corner, threatening them all.
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 9:09 pm

Tessa was beyond shocked. “ You expect me to stay here? Parker I have to split my time between my father who is DYING from cancer and Lily. And on top of all this I am currently buy a home. This is why I moved to New York, to get away from Hugo or anybody like him. And you expect me to believe everything is going to be fine. When it wont!”

She then started to glare at Parker. In her book he was burnt his toast. “ You may have not did this on purpose but you could have stopped it from happening.!” Tessa was at the last of her nerves when she had grabbed her muggle stapler and through it at Parker. She had hoped that a staple would go into his face.
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Parker Emery
Parker Emery
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 9:38 pm

"Yes! You have to stay here! You've got to keep your daughter here, then. Because she's not safe. The headmistress is working on it- you've got to trust her. And Hogwarts is the safest place there is! You've got to understand what's important here, and that's that everyone stays safe!" Parker was just blurting things out now, hardly caring if they made sense together. Seeing that she was getting more and more upset, Parker stood up. "No one wanted any of this, believe me, no one thought that they'd have to deal with this again! None of us deserve to have to deal with it again, just please. If you stay and be safe, it will!" He sounded like he was begging by now, and he was.

He could see the fury bursting now and he took a step back towards the door. He was done for. "That's what we're trying to fix now! I didn't want to make it any wor-" He hadn't even seen it coming when he threw it and the back of it hit Parker right on the forehead. His head had been thrown back and he staggered back into the door, hitting then the back of his head. He yelled out in pain, nearly doubling over in pain as his vision whited out for a moment. He clutched both hands to his forehead which was now bleeding a little from the sharp corner of the stapler. "What the HELL is wrong with you!?" He grated out, his voice raspy and hurting when he yelled and groaned loudly.
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 9:49 pm

“ No I can't stay here! I have to be at St. Mungo's with my father. To ease the fact that he is dying, after the short time that he had with me. And I am not just going to drop Feli, the one person who I can tell everything to. That I don’t' have to worry about running off with someone that I went to school with.” She knew that she was starting in on Anne again. But she didn't care, this had been all of her fault. “ I am not giving up that guy who gives me a little happiness. I deserve to be happy after everything that I have been though. I didn’t' ever to expect my ex husband to get married to the person that I hated in school.”

Tessa then realized what she had done. And what she had thrown at him. But she wasn't sorry that she did it. She was glad that it wasn't one of her glass ornaments that she kept on her desk. Tessa would have been upset if any of those would have broke. But she then couldn't help but laugh a little bit when she seen what she did to Parker. “ Looks like my aim is getting a little bit better!”
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Parker Emery
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 10:33 pm

"Tessa, look, I worked there, I can get them to link their floo with this office so you can visit him if you want. I screwed up, so just let me try to help to fix it." Parker groaned. "Look, I don't care about some guy you met. Prioritize and worry about keeping your daughter safe and comforting your father as this whole situation passes. Because it will. If this guy really matters that much, I'm sure you could meet him at Mungo's or something. We've just got to keep tabs on everyone. I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me." He couldn't even register everything he was saying, he was feeling overwhelmed again.

With the stapler hitting him, he was still clutching his head, his back against the door, stunned. He grew angry when she laughed. Sure he perhaps deserved that. No, he really deserved that on second thought. But her laughing was just plain cruel. When she said her aim was getting a bit better, his mind had cleared up enough through the pain to have it strike him. How could she have hit him? She was blind? Unless her magical awareness was just a lot stronger and could precisely feel where he was. Pain was still searing through him, and as his head was thumping, after a few moments he was able to concentrate enough to start trying to stop the bleeding. It felt deep enough where he'd need some dittany or something of the like to properly heal it all the way without a scar.
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 10:43 pm

Tessa was pissed. He screwed up and she had to live her life tip toeing around this. “ You should care Parker, because I have to watch my ex husband who will be teaching here. Be all happy with Anne, I spent three years of my life with him. And I had his little girl, grated this is why I moved away from everyone. So that this thing couldn't happen again. And if I have to I will let Feli know, I can stay at his home in France with him. And then come back to St. Mungo's to visit my father.”

She then started to glare at Parker. “ I am going to give you a couple seconds to get out of my sight. Before I start throwing something else at you. I hate when people start telling me what to do.”
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Parker Emery
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptySat Apr 07, 2012 12:55 am

Parker groaned. She just wasn't getting it. Their lives were in danger and he wanted to just yell at her and tell her to get over it. Though he couldn't, he had no right when he couldn't get over the past himself. But he was so damn frustrated. He figured she could grin and bear it for a while as they tried to make sure everyone was safe. "I can't believe you. This 'thing' revolves around this German threat to you and your family. Not around your little love problems! Look, Hogwarts is the safest place, don't you understand that! What are you going to do with your daughter then, or when school starts? Cause it's starting soon and we might not have her by then. Don't make this more difficult then it needs to be!"

Bleary eyed, he stood still with his back against the door, with his hand that wasn't held up to his head reaching for the door handle just in case she did throw something else. "I'm telling you what you should do to help, to make this easier to protect you! There's no room to be playing run-around with your boyfriend when you and your daughter's lives are at stake-"
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptySat Apr 07, 2012 1:13 am

Tessa then got up and walked over to where Parker was till she was in his face. “ Do you really think that I am scared of this German. I have live around much dangerous places than this. New York wasn't all that safe. With all of the gangs and drive by shooting, but I manged to keep Lily safe. Granted it was the muggles, but that was no different than what I am going through now. Someone is out to kill, and they will mostly be going after Anne. Since I wasn't the target in the first place. If anybody should be watching out it should be Anne and Damien. Since I know that Anne still hates me and the feelings are the same.”

She was still right up in his face screaming at him. Tessa never did this to anybody, not even Damien. But she was pissed off. “ Don't you dare talk to him like that, he isn’t' my boyfriend but someone who cares what I am going through right now. He is helping me get past the fact my ex husband is boning the girl that I grew up to hate. And the fact that she is going to be Lily's step mother is horrible. I never want for this to happen. It would have be better if he was marrying a person that I didn't know.”

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Parker Emery
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Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa)   Facing the music ( Parker and Tessa) EmptySat Apr 07, 2012 1:56 am

Parker hated this. First Anne and now her, and he hated having to be as defensive as he was, he could feel his voice going more raw as he yelled back. "I've lived in bad places too, I know! But muggle are different! This is different! Especially if we're still seemingly on the forefronts of war!" He didn't care that Tessa was right in his face, he just kept arguing back. "Yeah, you'd think, but this woman said she'd be going after those close to Anne, be it love or hate! But it's not about that! Anne wanted me to tell you, she wanted to make sure you were protected just in case because everyone's in danger now!"

Parker was still clutching his pounding head, pressed firmly back against the door. He'd never felt so cornered before. "I don't care! For Merlin's sake, I don't bloody care!" She was mad, absolutely mad. Whatever petty drama was going on in her life was all she seemed to care about. "This is a lot bigger then you are, sweetheart!" If she was going to act like a child, he would treat her as such. He groaned and placed his hands on her shoulders, carefully moving her away from him so he could have enough space to leave. He twisted the handle and jerked the door open to try to leave.
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